Wednesday, May 17, 2006

He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms

Artist: A Silver Mt. Zion
Album: He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms
Year: 2000

Seriously. Click the title link, enter a credit card number and wait for your music to arrive. Reserve yourself a seat at your own private listening party. Just you. Wake in the morning and make it a slow weekend morning. Make yourself some coffee or tea. Then hit play, go sit in your chair next to the window where shafts of light sometimes grace the corner of your room and watch your world outside wherever you are. Or, close your eyes and see imagery of that world come to you through the approach of distant violins or the gentle marching drums that guide them to you. What do you see behind your eyes when you hear the quiet piano? The one that you swear is coming to you from upstairs where the sad lonely ghost of a composer from ages past works her talent through her cold ethereal fingers.

What do you see?

What do you feel?

If you find out, I want to know...

What I see:
We all have seen it before. Really, this is not a new concept. I see images and clips of war, suffering, decay of all things natural and good whipping our minds at 30 frames per second. I see people cracked out and fighting amongst themselves in the alley behind my house. I see tons of debris washing ashore of the Great Lakes. I see the construction of a space shield to supposedly protect us from an atomic bomb. I see this type of message very necessary and well suited to the music that brings it. I certainly try to avoid dwelling on such atrocities but I find this album as a useful tool for a fairly healthy way of subjecting these things to me without killing me and also keeping me from letting them flush from my memory completely. Reserving a quiet corner of my brain for me to pull out every time I pray that we will someday get it and learn.

What I feel:
Oh, I love the title. I'll never know for sure, but if it were true, it would explain so much. God left this world long ago but left behind a shadow of the beauty for us to cling to. Like a shimmer of what we could have been. Something to chase to no avail.

When its all over; when this world is dead and the people on it have finished their turn by finally destroying everything, there will be millions of artifacts. Each little piece of us that we leave behind will be part of a story. A fable. A history of how we started, scattered, and grew to rise and fall. Every tiny speck of plastic and metal and bone will speak so quietly of how much potential we had and how much we squandered through war and greed. And which is more tragic? The fact that despite the potential we had, we wasted so much that we never deserved to continue to thrive? Or that a small number of us really were conscious of our capabilities but had too quiet a voice to reach the ignorant and stupid among us? Too few to make them see. Make them grok.

It won't matter. But one day, someone may find these things buried on our desolate rock we called home. Some distant intelligent race who'd understand the sadness because they succeeded where we failed. They were close. They came here. They found us in pieces and researched us. Saw our great beauty. Saw our great tragedy. If that may be so, then this piece of music is what I'd hope they find. Music to soundtrack the decay of our home. Music that they can use as a translation of a few of our final thoughts and emotions. Misguided and wasted away.

After your listening party, go out and ride your bike or go for ice cream and sit in a park. Trust me, you'll need it.


At 5/17/2006 02:59:00 PM, Blogger Everything Nice said...


I have not yet heard this one. But there's no doubt in my mind after reading this that I should make it a priority.

I think, tonight while I'm working I will download this just so I can tell you what I heard, felt, and saw...

And of course to have my eyes opened to new music. Stand by for feedback Houston, we are go for launch!

At 5/17/2006 03:14:00 PM, Blogger Hubris said...

I'd be surprised if you find a download of this but lemme know if you do... If not,
Got a PO box? I'm not opposed to sending samples :)

I can hardly wait, Em. :)

At 5/17/2006 05:18:00 PM, Blogger Lisa V said...

Hey, I have this one too! Fucking awesome record (I still call them records... or albums... stuck in the past...). Very interesting and well-selected choice!

At 5/17/2006 07:37:00 PM, Blogger sassinak said...

have you played me this or do i know some of this or will you play me this?

have fun tonight kids

At 5/17/2006 09:32:00 PM, Blogger Hubris said...

slg- my girfriend introduced me to this off shoot of Godspeed You... I really like the directions they took; even with their new album. thanks for reading :)

sass- not yet. sort of. and YES! ...but hmm you may want to consider mood. Prepare yourself to about 70% of what it would take to watch Schindler's List. Then tell me to play it for you.

Have fun with Mr. Rudd and friends

At 5/18/2006 01:42:00 PM, Blogger Natalia said...

Dude I keep telling you that you need to get a job doing this... Awesome :)


At 5/18/2006 02:42:00 PM, Blogger Hubris said...

nat- aw *blushes* I think I'd like to actually. I'll see about it then :)

At 5/20/2006 02:35:00 AM, Blogger Tom Cavnar said...

After reading your incredible critique of this album, I knew I had to have it...

So I acquired it and every other recording I could find of A Silver Mt. Zion (And their new, more recent iteration, named Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band). Soon I will also be acquiring the complete works of Godspeed! You Black Emperor as well, because they apparently share some band members between the two projects... (Good enough for me!!)

I love this. If I weren't so numb and inebriated right now, I might weep at the beauty...

:: pauses, leans back and presses headphones into his ears ::

:: inhales ::


:: exhales ::

I'm on the last track of the album now, and I'm still enthralled by it all. I wish I could take a walk in the park or a bicycle ride now, but all I can do is sit here and internalize this.

Thank you for writing about this album, otherwise I'd have never heard it!!

More later, but I've gotta absorb another hour of this tragic bliss... Miss you!



P.S. You should check out a group called Rachel's... They're similar to ASMZ and G!YBE, and totally worth listening to. You can find 4-5 of their albums on the iTunes Music Store.


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