Sunday, July 16, 2006

Welcome to the next century!

Me that is. That's it folks we've finally achieved bandwidth! Woot. Seriously, it does make things faster to a worth while end. *sigh*

The downside is that my super-drive has decided to enter the semi-active realm of intermittent response. As in:
"Ahh, we're home. Looks like I don't have to recognize any discs anymore! What? We're going to the service department? Oh well then let me be on my best behavior so's to make a liar out of you. Know why? I heard your car used to love pulling this stunt. I hear she laughed her ass off for years. Don't you think it's my turn now?"

The irony is that the more complicated our devices that make for easy living become, the more they complicate our lives due to a dependency on a box built by the lowest bidder. Remember that commercial where the guy beats the ever loving shit out of his computer? Honestly now, can any of you tell me you were never that person? My plan in college was to toss the CPU tower out the 4th floor window of the school & film it from breaking out of the window to crashing to the street. This, of course, would be passed off as art at the next student show. Imagine the gathered folks saying, "Gosh! Such an impulsive statement on our technological future!" "Yes, a complete rejection of the accepted! How rare!" This will resort in an explosion of artsy fame for my life. Being slapped in the face with marketing offers, sponsorships, people becoming my people & they're people becoming my people's people. Generating revenue by way of concept. Fame goes to the head, all of a sudden I'll be filling my house with technological devices designed to make my life easier. Full circle. Hypocritical.

I can stare at my art supplies & ponder the loveliness of being a luddite. Rejecting.

Wait. Am I the not one who wanted to be a computer based artist to begin with?

my drive is still fubared. I have web work to do...

*hangs head, calls applecare*


At 7/17/2006 11:14:00 AM, Blogger Natalia said...

I love that you said Luddite :) My kids just stare at me blankly when I use that term.


Also..I'm first bithces...again!

I rule all.


At 7/17/2006 09:05:00 PM, Blogger Tom Cavnar said...

I don't know if I could survive as a Luddite. I'm one of the most technology-addicted people I know. Then again, I do get by pretty well out in the woods camping... Well, I used to, haven't been camping in years!


Regarding the busted SuperDrive: At least you've still got AppleCare!

BTW, the combo drive on my PowerBook took a shit within the first two months I owned it. Luckily, AppleCare replaced it.

Hope your PwrBk is healthy again soon. Try to avoid the urge to smash it, I'm guessing you'd regret it, even if it made a compelling artistic statement.



At 7/17/2006 11:51:00 PM, Blogger Hubris said...

nat- *blinks* What I find funny is rather than ask around, most will probably google it ;)

sonus- I could get close but I couldn't deal all the way...


At 7/18/2006 12:19:00 AM, Blogger HuneeB said...

I love that commercial and often have the URGE to do the same! My laptop wireless card is on the fritz and my computer/server at work is an utter and total piece of huge cow poo!!! I often want to swing a large and heavy metal bat at it; ahhh the satisfaction that would bring! But then I am afraid if I do that they will take me away in a nice white jacket...on second thought that might be a nice vacation! hrmmmmm

At 7/18/2006 08:29:00 AM, Blogger Hubris said...

Ahh! Isn't it fun though? Our new machines frustrate us so much that we'd be willing to revert to much older tools to resolve said frustration. I met a back-woods kind of guy in Michigan who liked to say, "My favorite tool is a hammer. It doesn't fix everything, but it fixes a lot of things."

At 7/18/2006 03:50:00 PM, Blogger othercat said...

As a computer repair geek myself, I like it when folks use hammers to fix things. It makes my life interesting when a wannabe comes along and tries to do my work. Besides, I bill by the hour. It usually takes more time when a novice tries to do what a pro should have done in the first place.

At 7/19/2006 10:07:00 AM, Blogger john said...

What if someone is too much of a Luddite to Google the definition?

I had a roommate who once said that he wanted an exact duplicate of everything he owned just so he could find out what it would be like to walk into a room and take a sledgehammer to it all. At first I thought that this was just some kind of repressed anger manifesting itself into violent fantasy, but the more I thought about it I had to admit it would actually probably be a lot of fun (especially taking it to your computer or TV). Maybe I just have some repressed anger of my own manifesting...

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