Saturday, October 29, 2005

Need to feel? Just plug in.

I have always been lacking in the decent costume department for Halloween. Each year the make-up or idea is shitty & that's even if I dress up at all.

Well this year, that is all starting to change. This costume is not likely to win any best of prizes but I still think it is funny as hell.

So here it is. I decided to go as "External Validation"

So Mighty Doll & I went out to the Funhaus for a bit of loud music & lurching around whilst wearing our Halloween get up. I say lurching because it is the closest I come to dancing. She went as a raver zombie! It was hot for sure. All kinds of glowing shit - that strange blue light that seems to put a spell on me every time. She did a great job of looking quite dead with just regular OTC makeup. Her outfit was complete with all the toys a high raver likes to wear & play with.

Other than the mask, I dressed in all new black clothes. That's it. Now this is the part I totally didn't see coming:


Lots of compliments, lots of complaints, and 2 freak-outs are the result of wearing a piece of cardboard made to look like a Hydro outlet. I have NEVER received this much attention. First, there was a drunk guy on the transit streetcar. Seeing me from behind he slurs,"what the fuck are you supposed to be?" I whipped my head his way & he was genuinely startled. "Awe fuck man, it is so simple. But fuck that its freakin me out. Stop looking at me." So I turn away. THEN the guy sits his drunk ass in the seat directly in front of me! "No seriously dude, stop fucking looking at me!!" "Look buddy, you sat in front of ME."

Seriously like every five minutes or every time I got up to go to the restroom. "Oh my God. That is fucking awesome!"

Really? Thanks. I though it was funny to the point of ridiculous. But Awesome?

And I got kinda high on the attention. There were lots of costumes out there. Sooo much eye candy. But never before have those folks asked if they could take MY picture. Woah.

please do not feed the ego. It would be all to easy for a boy generally ignored for 25 years to go crazy from too much 'cool'. MD said it was rockstar even. Wow dude. Me? Way to make me feel good...

The part that amazes me is that every one else put a lot of effort into their costume or at least their makeup & hair. My mask took 20 minutes to make. Not that it felt cheap but I do feel like either simplicity rocks or they all just tried too hard.

I had a blast with MD as usual. Damn she knows how to have fun. & particularly knows how to make this boy feel beautiful. Then, my dear friends, there was a wonderful breakfast. Followed by... a wonderful breakfast! mmmmm I hate work. but I loooove breakfast.

rockstar... how fun.


At 10/30/2005 01:30:00 AM, Blogger sassinak said...

first of all good costume and mui funny dude

second admire the arms of the man in that picture

i bet md was totally hot as a raver zombie. i demand pics

yeah i was on everyone's camera last night and i was just sad i wasn't at a place where there were more folks and less lameness. i'm going to dress up again monday....

and it's funny how you enjoy the attention. especially in our cases because we've put a huge amount of work into the changes in our bodies so we're of course going to get extra high.

and yeah... i'm sort of in 'please don't feed the ego' mode myself so i hear what you're saying. i'm getting like too high on myself.

simplicity rocks
but i spent an hour on my costume (and pulled it out of my closet :) and it apparently rocked too so *shrug*

oh man. the breakfast metaphors are killing me.

At 10/30/2005 11:53:00 AM, Blogger sassinak said...

dude i'll be at the gym from 3/3:30 onward...

At 10/30/2005 12:54:00 PM, Blogger Hubris said...

Say, Sass. When are you going to make breakfast for some fine boy out there?

At 10/30/2005 01:25:00 PM, Blogger sassinak said...

when one ASKS me!?

At 10/30/2005 02:21:00 PM, Blogger The Mighty Doll said...


Ask them! N' tell the ones you don't wanna sleep with to keep their hands off you!

Yer totally hot enough to pick who gets to touch you. :)

At 10/30/2005 07:29:00 PM, Blogger sassinak said...

awww *blush*

thanks doll!

it's so weird to be considered hot again taht my defenses are down still. not for long though!

ask them? that's NEVER worked for me.

At 10/31/2005 01:25:00 PM, Blogger The Mighty Doll said...

Can't imagine why.

At 10/31/2005 01:50:00 PM, Blogger sassinak said...

don't know
just know that when i demonstrate interest i tend to get running and screaming rather than 'hey... how you doin?'

At 10/31/2005 02:02:00 PM, Blogger The Mighty Doll said...

I've found, in the past, that I suck at the whole flirting, gaging interest, going from there, thing...the mating dance as it were.

However, I've never been turned down when I've simply said. "Hey, yer really attractive. Wanna maybe have sex some time?"

When I see it in print, I wish I was kidding.

At 10/31/2005 03:25:00 PM, Blogger sassinak said...

yeah yeah me too... cannot flirt for real... can flirt for fun with *anyone* anytime anywhere. the second my heart is involved i turn into a moron. and i tend to think they're interested long past the time when it's clear they aren't and then kick myself for it later.

the problem, FOR ME, is that i can't really get into casual sex. i need to feel something for the person i'm fucking. i don't mean i have to want to marry them and have their kids.... just that i need some kind of connection beyond 'you're hot, wanna fuck?'

whish that weren't true.

At 10/31/2005 06:40:00 PM, Blogger The Mighty Doll said...

ahh, well that I can dig.

That said, I tend to define casual sex differently from most.

There is NO WAY I can have sex with anyone who doesn't engage me intellectually first. There needs to be a connection of some sort there. Attraction is largely mental for me. Physical beauty tends to be more of a bonus feature.

Many of my past lovers were friends first, some for a very long time. The few folks I've slept with upon first (or second) meeting. I've felt absolutely SHITE about afterwards. With only one exception.

That said, I'm a firm believer in casual sex between friends. Though sometimes it can be hard to keep it casual. I've managed to hurt myself but good a couple times with that philosophy.

At 10/31/2005 08:25:00 PM, Blogger sassinak said...

i am totally onside with your definitions. if i had a friend that i liked and wanted to boink AND figured i could stay emotionally disconnected from i would probably go for the friends with benefits situation.

but i can't. so go my loins so goes my heart so i try to follow my heart instead ...

physical beauty? nice but totally overrated.

maybe i need to take a lover... someone to fuck with no expectations... i just don't know how not to let those expectations grow.

At 10/31/2005 11:12:00 PM, Blogger Lance said...

Its impossible. Sorry. Just doesn't work for people like us.

Don't know you, but I like you. You say words good:-)


Is that actually you behind that mask? I don't recognize the body anymore. Seriously... The Diez has become Diez. Congrats. Go ahead and soak up a little attention. Your long over due.

At 11/01/2005 12:35:00 AM, Blogger sassinak said...

lsd: i can at least enjoy the idea can't i?

and yeah it's really him... i have to double take every time i see him to make sure it's actually him.

At 11/01/2005 12:52:00 AM, Blogger Lance said...

Its just crazy! I cant get over the change. The whole change. Its happened so fast for him. The dude is like hot now.

Well then again, what outlet isn't hot. But seriously. I think soon Hubris will weigh less than I do. Maybe he already does.

I will have to turn up my getting into shap dial just to keep up with you two the next time we go climbing.

At 11/01/2005 09:32:00 AM, Blogger Hubris said...

I confess. It is me. No, I doubt you weigh more than me... yet. Yes you may have to turn your dial up to keep up with us at the gym. And though I haven't been going as often as I like, I have still been burning many calories. ;) mmmmm MD. I hope you get to meet her, LSD. She's a way cool cat.

At 11/01/2005 11:22:00 AM, Blogger Lance said...

Why wouldn't I meet her? Is your relationship fleeting? You must tell me a little more about this doll.

Where did you find her?
What does she do (other than breakfast)?
How old is she.
blah, blah, blah...... dish it Hubris.

At 11/01/2005 12:38:00 PM, Blogger Hubris said...

She is a professional mother of 2. She is 29.
I found... no. Actually she found me on OKCupid. She messaged me out of the blue and we began to chat. After a few rather stimulating conversations, I asked if she'd like to meet for Scrabble or something. Since then we found we dig each other find this very fun. She makes a fabulous playmate & it is great to hang out with someone who challenges my... stamina. ;)

At 11/01/2005 01:41:00 PM, Blogger sassinak said...

lsd: i know! it's stunning and odd and sort of disconcerting. the other day i caught myself checking out his shoulders... it was weird!

i think lsd can still keep up with me hubris... as for you... hard to say.

doll is awesome. all you need to know! *grin*

At 11/01/2005 01:46:00 PM, Blogger Hubris said...

Doll blog coming soon. BTW I think she is posting on blogspot now.

At 11/01/2005 02:04:00 PM, Blogger sassinak said...

she is

and i've even commented already!

At 11/01/2005 08:22:00 PM, Blogger The Mighty Doll said...

egads! Now I'm all blushy.

Y'all say too many nice things!

Thank you! Hope I manage to live up to all these compliments.

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