Sunday, December 25, 2005


Click the title to see the link.

I found this web page open on my computer. I think the MightyDoll found it while I was at work. She finds the strangest things online.

Needless to say, but this was my email reply:

Subject: Careful, Jesus.


Wow. Please tell me this is a big joke. But in the terrible case that it is not, I have this to deliver:

1. With things like war, slavery, abuse, starvation, disease, genocide, racism, pollution, murder, and rape (things that have afflicted this planet since way before your little crusade), it is had to imagine that this is the best you can come up with to do with your free time.

2. NOBODY has the ability to say what is and what is not art to other people. It is only your opinion. That is why we have something called the First Amendment. Ever read that one?

3. You mentioned Mozart being just fine. However, in that time period, it was considered highly contoversial and ultimately too much for the human ears to tolerate. (you did do SOME research, right?)

4. "In noise music, the actual musical part has become more and more debased away from these standards and has slowly replaced them with desperation and a distorted view on the world." As we evolve (most of the waking world), the very spirit of art, in all its diverse facets, are constantly removing from what is considered "standard" specifically because the artist has a different (not distorted) view on the world that they wish to share with the rest of us.

5. "I cant blame anyone for being ignorant about this subject, since noise is a brand new genre of music." Again, do you research or just rant about what you obviously should not be listening to because your fragile, virgin, fundamentalist ears are too closed minded for you to realize that all you have here is a tiny little voice trying to shout from a soap box. You might not be able to blame millions of people for being ignorant but I can sure has hell blame you for making the mistake of trying to shelter everything you find contoversial and inappropriate from you & those around you.

6. You speak of Rock & Roll at the idea that it is a rebellion. Finally you have landed on something that rings true! But oops! You missed one irremovable truth about Rock & Roll. Before it is rebellious it is primal. It is rooting very deep into the human psyche and drawing on something that was never lost with the "progress of civilization" (thanks to evolving art). This being the need to be moved in your heart, mind, body and soul. The rebellious part? Created specifically to sell the music. Think about this if you dare: The lyrical content and "noise" that accompanies it usually offends the parents and more over, the older generations. If it offends you, your knee jerk reaction is to ban it which causes kids to covet it all the more. Do you really think the likes of Marilyn Manson and Eninem would really be that successful if people like you did NOT protest outside their shows? They're playing your asses to maximize the very voices that you are failing miserably to smother. Besides, at one point swing & big band music was considered depraved and immoral as well. I'll spell it out for you. This did not start with Elvis shaking his hips.

7. "Below is a list of some of them that I can tell you, just by reading song titles or looking at the record covers, need to be destroyed if you find them in your child's collection." I wonder, do you burn books too? It has been said that those who burn books (and other art forms DO apply) are not far from burning people. Hrm... World War II comes to mind. Haven't we burnt our evolutionary hands on that stove-top enough yet?

8. Your righteousness will not avail you. Why? Glad you asked. I really enjoy to bringing this last point to you. The music is much to loud and connecting of a voice to the new generations for you to ever have an impact that is anything more than contributing to higher record sales. How am I so sure? Well, I do hate to be rude but this is the bottom line: You're older. You will die of age and bodily decay first. Ha ha.

So here is my recommendation to you. STOP LISTENING OR PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO IT! You will not understand nor overcome it.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mighty Indeed

Great listener.
Spectacular in bed.
Hurts from the past like the rest of us.
Excellent mother.
Loves games.
Loves music.
Loves movies.
Always complimenting.
Good cook.
Very generous.
Easy going.
Hates Bush.
Thinks for herself.
Likes to spend lots of time with me.

For which I am so grateful.

Thank you... and I can't wait to see you again.

Friday, December 09, 2005

New sentences said from me to my employer:

One day, I am going to set you on fire. I will watch your skin bubble and crisp until you are nothing but carbon in the breeze.

According to you, 2+2=5. I hope you choke.

So, let me get this straight. You DON'T want me to be a robot, you just want me to be an extension of yourself. So that would make me a clone instead?


Don't you fucking shush me like a 5 year old.

Thank you for the pizza.

I'm going to stab you in the eyes and skull fuck you.


I'm going to cut your head off and shit down your neck hole.

You suck.

Go procreate with yourself. (Thanks Othercat)

Do you actually have a meeting? Or are you just going to go underneath your manager's desk?

I lost 20 pounds humping your mom.

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