Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Damn, what a night. So, I wake up to angry shouting going on in my back alley at about 2 am last night. I see a streak of a figure dart from the alley into the open basement of the building across the lot followed closely by no less than seven Toronto police officers, some repeatedly shouting at the top of their lungs, "STOP! YOU'RE GOING TO GET SHOT!" They all disappear into the building and 2 more cruisers race into the alley. When I say race, I mean they are fucking standing on it. The officers clear the basement and decide that the suspect has fled through the front of the building. They all rush out of the basement and 3 dodge around to the front on foot while 2 others each take a cruiser to pursue. It is a one way alley. So when the cruisers race out, this time its backwards. We're talking fast. At least, fast in terms of racing a full size sedan backwards through an alleyway no wider than a garbage truck. It was really creepy to hear all this, peering over the ledge of my window, listening to shouting, threats of gunfire, and racing motors with no sirens both in front of me and in the distance. I was nauseous. I was frightened too. Mostly because (and LSD can probably back me up here after what he witnessed) had this been anywhere in Michigan, wether it was the inner city, the burbs, or some whacked out militia job in the bush, the exchange of gunfire would have been far more probable. I hope the suspect was captured. My cracked out neighborhood has enough problems. As I calmed down I asked the Universe to be with the enforcement team outside my window. I don't particularly get enthusiastic about a police presence but I am far less excited about dangerous assailants using my neighborhood for whatever they are doing to contribute to the decay of western society. So, Godspeed, fellas.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A Dream

I dreamt of the little 4 year old from the tribe's house.

She was sad and asking me when I could come back. I told her that, "I could not come back even if I wanted to. But don't worry sweetheart. You are not the reason I must stay away but you are the only reason I'm sad about having to stay away."

I miss watching you learn so incredibly fast. Take care little one.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

For Mighty Doll

early mornings when sun meets dawn
pry our skin apart and then i'm gone
you're so warm as i brave the cold
to obligations that make me old
but as i return i begin to learn
i'm young at heart and that it burns
i love how we laugh i love how we play
let me sleep with you please let me stay
in this life so fickle so fast we can change
savor this with me 'til we may be estranged


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Extra Long Weekend


And not the kind of long weekend you really want. I had a cough about a week ago, but of course it waits until the weekend and plenty of free time arrives for the real sickness to rear its ugly head. And wow was it ugly. Ya know how it sounds when you reach the bottom of your fountain drink from the local fast food joint? Yeah, that's how it sounds when I breathe. I cannot lay down to sleep lest I aspirate the goop that I'm already half drowning in. I cannot sleep sitting up either... unless, of course, I am sitting in a church pew or a school desk.

So if you ever played Unreal Tournament 2004, you'd know that one of the weapons you can use to melt your enemy is the Bio-gun.
*Little girl in back of class raises hand*
"Mr. Hubris, what's a Bio-gun?"
"Well Miss Asks-too-many-questions, a Bio-gun is a firearm designed for short range combat. This weapon discharges a large glob of brownish-green biohazardous waste in a sort of weak lob- not unlike throwing a softball. This brownish-green biohazardous waste or 'bio-ooze' is often acidic in nature and thus melts one's enemy on contact. If you miss, make sure you do not step in it- this is no ordinary pile of shit."



I didn't get anyone, did I? Yeah, a stunning amount of lung butter has passed through my face in the last few days.

BTW, there is not much in this world that is funnier than some Japanese guy wailing his electric guitar to the tune of Pachelbel's Canon. The tragedy is that he's actually a great guitar player. You'll have to copy and paste the link because blogger doesn't like to give Safari the same options as everyone else :P

I think I'm gonna cum. I'd seriously let Karen O abuse every one of my 28 years right out of me. And yes, you naughty ones out there can watch if you really want to.

We now return to our regularly scheduled description of my cold. So yeah, every time I cough, I expectorate just like the Bio-gun. It is actually the lack of sleep that occurs because of the hacking that has me really pissed off. Sleep is the one sure fire way to a speedy recovery. So in order to force myself to sleep I have been relying on a strong mixture to do the job. 1 part orange juice, 1 part tonic, and at least 2 parts vodka. OJ because I need the vitamin C and tons of vodka to put me to sleep and to numb the half dozen canker sores in my mouth that happen along with every cold. Shitty I tell ya. So, I called in sick 2 days in a row and let me tell ya, if I have a choice between going to work healthy or staying at home sick with movies & video games, I actually choose to work. This is only because with sickness, there is no pot smoking what so ever. Man, home for four days in a row and no bodily permission to get high. That is the very definition of hell. I'm back at work now, still hacking up and feeding the plants every 30 seconds. I still sound like the bottom of a fountain drink. Another 5 days or so and I can return to my chronic drug abuse.

Here is another big thank you to the lovely Miss Mighty Doll. Twice now, she has nursed me back to health with delicious soup that I wish I could taste, medicine that I wish would work better than it does, and gaming and company unparalleled. Thank you sweetie. I owe you two.


excuse me. I need to go find a plant to feed.

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