Hey, LSD! you asked... In Her Own Words.
I'm open-minded and contemplative. I love to write and to take time to think about the input I've received before stating my opinions.
My two children are my career currently, however as they grow I'm beginning to dip myself back into some of my outside pursuits. I'm a writer by disposition, but I'm exceedingly shy about showing my material to anyone. My education is in film and television production and most of my career experience has been in early childhood education/special needs care.
I'm currently separated from my husband, however we still cohabitate (in separate rooms, naturally) for ease of living and for the sake of the children. We are on very good terms despite our relationship differences.
What I'm doing with my life:
Raising my kids, writing, taking pictures, people watching, learning.
I'm really good at:
Short prose, starting conversations, tasteless humour, attracting wierd people...seriously, I'm like a crazy magnet. I don't mind. It gives me good stories to tell.
The first thing(s) people usually notice about me:
My hair.
I spend a lot of time thinking about:
People, psychology and sociology, educational theory. How to avoid getting burned to a crisp in the sun. My kids. My friends. Celtic mythology. Mysticism. Words. Nature. The noble and majestic Tofutelope. Sex. Weird people. Weird Sex.
On a typical Friday night I am:
Going where my feet lead me, Sometimes that's a club, or a more intimate gathering of friends, sometimes it's a local concert or on alternating Fridays Kung Fu Friday. Or home looking after the kids and reading or hanging out with a friend or two.
Things in my life are rarely typical, though.
Don't you hate pants?
The Mighty Doll:
In my words, MD is exciting, sexciting, brainy, beautiful, fun, inspiring, sweet, the list goes on but I ran out of lunch break for now.
MD, hope to see you very soon. ;)
dude you copied her profile... that's like cheating or something
nice self description though... :)
Not cheating! I fully said in the title that it was hr OWN words... =P
Yeah, I'd answer that profile, except for the kids thing. Just not ready for that. Other than that though, does she have a single clone that I could take out to dinner?
No. But I recommend you visit my laboratory soon and we can discuss your interest in my genetics program. I'm sure we can agree on a mutually fair rate for said female replication. I look forward to hearing from you.
wait you're cloning lsd?
i'm afraid!
i think it would be like cloning me... bad bad idea.. world would explode! matter and antimatter in the same place!
Sass, it is I who am heading up the genetics program. LSD is simply an interested client. & While on that topic, I'm certain that my methods would ease your mind & you would see that a double of you would not, in fact, make the world explode as you suggest. Think of the positive things you can do with a double! Errads, work, holidays, house cleaning, sexual favors, endless possibilities. You might not even need to leave your house ever again unless you really want to!
No Sass is right on this topic. A clone of me might not make the world explode, but he would most likely be to stubbern and argumentitive to be of much use. I'm sure he would get a serious kick out of pissing me off. Damn you Clone! Or he would be exactly the same as me except he would get all the high paying jobs, woman, and political clout.
um cause ew. the idea of fucking myself doesn't appeal to me at all... and i've locked myself in my house.. i don't recommend it! :)
lsd's clone only gets 1 woman? damn dude that's cold... least let him have 3 or 4 women...
Yes, he would probably get women (plural) fucking playboy clone taking over the planet. Not on my watch clone! (shakes fist high in the air)
I hate the clone!
ok... I've milked this as much as I can... time for a new post.
Maybe a identical clone post would be prudent.
no more cloning!!!
*runs off to start an anti-clone terrorist group*
...and you thought you couldn't milk this any more... ;)
no more cloning!!!
*runs off to start an anti-clone terrorist group*
Sorry Sass,
I couldn't resist
hey, thanks!
It's changed a couple times since this picture. Right now, it's actually my natural colour. How odd. Hasn't been that in over 2 years.
As for living with the Ex, it just works out best for the kids. Besides we saw the vitriole coming and decided to call it quits BEFORE things got nasty.
lsd: not a surprise *grin*
punk: i was stuck with my ex for SIX weeks after we split... two years later we still don't speak
doll: i admire you more the more i learn about you
Can someone clone me a sheep?
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »
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